Insuring a listed building: what you need to know
Insuring a listed building: what you need to know
If you own or operate a listed building, you may have encountered a few extra challenges when it comes to arranging adequate cover.
Our property insurance advisers offer their expert eye on determining what you need from your listed building insurance, and how to react to the added challenges…
What does it mean if my building is listed?
Listing a building (Grade I, Grade II* or Grade II) marks it out as being of special architectural and historic interest, and brings it under the consideration of the planning system. As such, building consent must be applied for in order to make any alterations or extensions which might affect its special interest.
The National Heritage List for England (NHLE) contains details of all listed buildings in England. You can search this to double check your building’s status.
What are the challenges of insuring a listed building?
Listed buildings require dedicated insurance due to their historical significance, an important factor if they were to be damaged or destroyed. Rebuilding or repairing a listed building takes significantly more time and planning than a modern construction.
This is because they are often constructed from unusual or particular materials, which would have to be sourced specially to avoid altering the building’s significance. Their construction may also use complicated or highly skilled construction techniques.
Here’s how to ensure you make the most of your cover:
- Preventing risks
Think of your ownership of a listed building as more of a guardianship – you are responsible for helping to preserve it. Regular maintenance and keeping on top of repairs can help stop small structural problems turning into bigger disasters – and keep insurance claims to a minimum.
- Contents insurance
Many listed building insurance policies include contents insurance, covering furnishings and your possessions. Policies which combine buildings and contents cover can often save you money, but if you have any particularly valuable items such as antiques or high-end tech, they may need to be listed separately.
- Landlords insurance
Much like household cover, listed buildings insurance won’t cover you for leasing your property to others. If you happen to rent out your building, you will still need appropriate landlords insurance to cover against any damage during a tenancy.
To find out more about listed buildings insurance and get a quote, contact our property insurance experts today.